The Fournier Farmhouse is getting a new resident
So it’s been quite a while since I’ve been able to post on here, partly because I have had the worst morning sickness that leaves me completely drained after work, and partly because I didn’t know what to write without sharing our news that we’re expecting a baby in September 2016!
We’re so thrilled to be adding a member to our Fournier family, and all the joy, struggles, happiness and challenges that it will bring. It’s an adventure we’re excited to be embarking on, even though so far the realities of pregnancy aren’t what I had imagined.
I am almost at the 15 week mark, which is nice because we’ve past the first trimester milestone, but still haven’t reached the point where it’s completely real for me yet. I have my moments – when we go to the ultrasound appointments to hear the heartbeat, when we go shopping for maternity clothes, and of course when I am feeling hungry, sick and having food aversions all at the same time – when it feels completely real to me. But on an everyday level, I still can’t believe I am growing a human!
Will is over-the-moon excited, and I am looking forward to doing some fun baby projects to get ready for the little one’s arrival. I can’t wait for the all-day morning sickness to be over, as that part has been pretty draining. But once my belly starts really growing and I can see the results of all of this hard work, I know it will be worth it.
We will be finding out the gender at the end of April. We would prefer to know and plan around it, and we’re excited to host a little gender reveal party for our friends and family to share the fun news. Even more excuses to do some DIY for the baby! I have a feeling it’s a girl, but who knows?! It could go either way!
As for documenting, I have a journal to keep our memories in (that I haven’t written in yet unfortunately – morning sickness sucks), and I am planning on doing a mini Project Life album, inspired by Jess Forster’s pregnancy album that she has on Big Picture Classes. I can’t wait to get started on both once I have more energy and time to dedicate to it.
I have also started a prenatal yoga class to get some more exercise in my weekly routine. I try to walk every day and eat healthier, but feeling sick all the time has limited some of the good eating I really should be doing more of. Will has been a huge help taking on the housework and cooking, and I couldn’t imagine doing this without him. Oliver is also acting a little more sucky than usual and is my shadow when I am home, so I think he knows something is up. We’re excited for him to grow into the big brother role and we can’t wait to see how he responds to the baby.
We’re so grateful for all our friends and family sharing in the excitement since we announced our news online last week, and I am even more thrilled to share the news with everyone on here. Thanks for all the love and support. This is going to be a lot of fun!
Very special thanks to our bestie Gillian at Sounds Like Yellow Photography for the great shots!